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  1. Exhibitions
  2. Permanent exhibition
  3. At a glance

At a glance

The topics of the permanent exhibition

2nd and 3rd floor: 

  1. Gutenberg's life and work (documents pertaining to Gutenberg's life, Gutenberg Bibles, letter of indulgence, "Sybillenbuch fragment".
  2. Books and printing before Gutenberg (Medieval book manufacturing, colors, ink, parchment, woodcutting, seals, and book types)
  3. Gutenberg's heritage (Gutenberg's heritage in (art) history and popular culture)
  4. The development of books and printing in Europe after Gutenberg (books, broadsheets, graphic art, and machines 15th – 19th century)
  5. Script and printing in Asia (exhibits from China, Korea, and Japan)

4th and 5th floor: 

  1. History of the press and newspapers
  2. Children's and picture books
  3. Book art in the 20th century
  4. Paper (paper manufacturing in Europe, watermarks, colored paper)
  5. The trade of book binding (the German bookbinding museum)
  6. Islamic book art (calligraphy, block printing, letterpress printing)
  7. The history of script in Europe (cuneiform, hieroglyphs)

The print workshop on the second floor of the permanent exhibition. Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, Foto: Carsten Costard
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