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  3. Hotspot Gutenberg-Museum - High-ranking visitors in Rhineland-Palatinate

Hotspot Gutenberg-Museum - High-ranking visitors in Rhineland-Palatinate

November 30, 2022 until June 3, 2023

About the exhibition

n the 75 years of its existence, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate has welcomed numerous national and international personalities as guests, who have also signed the Golden Book of the state capital Mainz. Many of the prominent guests from the worlds of politics, business, culture and science have also taken the opportunity to visit the Gutenberg Museum, which enjoys a special status as one of the oldest book and printing museums in the world at the birthplace of Johannes Gutenberg. In addition to the famous Gutenberg Bible, they were able to gain an insight into the comprehensive and unique collection of the Gutenberg Museum on the basis of numerous objects from the fields of letterpress printing, the history of writing, the art of printing, and the development of media in various cultures - from Europe to Asia to the Islamic world.

Program during the "Mainzer Museumsnacht"

We offer a guided tour on this day. Registration is not required. Meeting point: museum ticket office. 

June, 3 6:50 until 7:10 pm
Key Visual. Gutenberg-Museum, Concept and design: Le Roy Cleeremans.
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