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  3. Veronika Weingärtner: shape of colour

Veronika Weingärtner: shape of colour

From May 25

About the exhibtion

The ‚Mainzer Stadtdruckerpreis‘ honors graphic artists who artistically develope printing techniques and therefor underline the importance of Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz. This award has existed since 1987 and is endowed with 6,000 euros. The most recent recipient is Veronika Weingärtner, a sculptor and print artist from Mainz. With a large majority, the jury selected Veronika Weingärtner as the 21. Mainzer Stadtdruckerin. The award is also associated with a solo exhibition at the Gutenberg Museum, where the artist shows her works. Characteristic for her paintings is the mix of graphic impression and painterly elements. Grids and structures are combined to create unique, abstract symbioses of shapes and colours. Veronika Weingärtner prints with historical printing techniques as well as with cyanographs, monotypes or silkscreens.
Druck von V. Weingärtner. Veronika Weingärtner.
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